Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bloomberg, ABC, offer to host campaign town hall

Bloomberg spokesman Jim Anderson said the mayor is making the offer because he is "excited about a campaign where voters interact directly with the candidates in a town hall format, and thinks New York City is the ideal setting for a first meeting."
clipped from
Mayor Michael Bloomberg and ABC News made a
formal offer to host the first proposed presidential town hall
meeting between John McCain and Barack Obama, according to a letter
being sent to both candidates Sunday.
Bloomberg and ABC envision a 90-minute, prime-time broadcast but
said the date and other details, such as how much interaction the
candidates would have with voters or a moderator, should be worked
out by the campaigns.
"We look forward to beginning a conversation on how best to
create an event that will honor our nation's founding spirit and
respect the voters' desire to engage in a thoughtful discussion of
the critical issues facing America and the world," Bloomberg and
Westin wrote.
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